View of the mountains at Sölkpass


Nature Park Sölktäler

Since 1959 there is a passable road with cars on the Sölkpass. Rushing rivers, ringing cowbells and numerous hiking trails since guests in the area. In the phytosanitary field of nature lovers from June can admire a mosaic of Almrausch and Gemsheide until July. Berganemone, bellflower, gentian and arnica here form colorful meadows. A natural gem that stands out for its originality and diversity!

  • The Sölkpass is open!
  • Restriction for buses over 12 meters and 16 tonnes
  • Elevation: 1790 m

Enjoy the few around the Naturpark Sölktäler!

The alpine pastures on the Sölkpass invite you to an original stop in summer.

Take a look at the 2 webcams on the Sölkpass.


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